
Rent A New Server


A vanilla server capable of running PostERP takes about 5GB storage space including operating system and all required software.

customers: Each server can only run ERP systems maintained by the same developer.
That is, a server can not run both ERP system X maintained by developer A and ERP system Y maintained by developer B.

Developers: If you already have rented server(s), you probably do not want to rent any more server.

Monthly Storage Price per 100 GB: USD 11.1
Server Specifications
Specification Monthly Price (USD)
2GB RAM, 2 CPUs 12.89
2GB RAM, 1 CPUs 13.19
4GB RAM, 3 CPUs 24.08
4GB RAM, 2 CPUs 25.44
8GB RAM, 4 CPUs 46.66
4GB RAM, 2 CPUs 50.13
8GB RAM, 4 CPUs 50.88
12GB RAM, 4 CPUs 68.86
8GB RAM, 2 CPUs 69.26
8GB RAM, 2 CPUs 69.26
17GB RAM, 4 CPUs 95.73
17GB RAM, 2 CPUs 97.05
8GB RAM, 4 CPUs 100.25
17GB RAM, 4 CPUs 138.52
17GB RAM, 4 CPUs 138.52
8GB RAM, 2 CPUs 171.78
34GB RAM, 8 CPUs 192.42
34GB RAM, 4 CPUs 194.11
17GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 8 CPUs 200.51
4GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 2 CPUs 240.72
34GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 8 CPUs 273.27
34GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 8 CPUs 273.27
17GB RAM, 4 CPUs 342.71
68GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 382.95
68GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 8 CPUs 388.23
34GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 401.05
8GB RAM, 5 GBits bandwidth, 4 CPUs 426.35
68GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 555.96
68GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 555.96
34GB RAM, 1 GBits bandwidth, 8 CPUs 681.57
8GB RAM, 10 GBits bandwidth, 4 CPUs 684.51
137GB RAM, 5 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 743.86
137GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 776.46
68GB RAM, 6 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 802.10
137GB RAM, 6 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 1111.92
137GB RAM, 6 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 1111.92
68GB RAM, 3 GBits bandwidth, 16 CPUs 1372.66
274GB RAM, 6 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 1552.93
274GB RAM, 10 GBits bandwidth, 48 CPUs 1574.98
137GB RAM, 12 GBits bandwidth, 64 CPUs 1604.19
274GB RAM, 12 GBits bandwidth, 64 CPUs 2214.43
274GB RAM, 12 GBits bandwidth, 64 CPUs 2214.43
137GB RAM, 6 GBits bandwidth, 32 CPUs 2745.24
549GB RAM, 12 GBits bandwidth, 64 CPUs 3105.86
412GB RAM, 20 GBits bandwidth, 96 CPUs 3326.36