
You can customize your PostERP cloud instance.

Posted: 2022-09-23 Edited: 2023-03-02

Problem: Other ERP vendors don't customize their cloud ERP to our special needs!

We need some special functionalities missing from other vendor's cloud ERP. But vendors provide only so-called "standard" functionalities. They don't customize their cloud ERP to our special needs.

Solution: Cloud PostERP subscribers can get customization services.

PostERP cloud can be deeply and comprehensively customized.

You subscribe to PostERP cloud services and get customization services.

We add common functionalities to PostERP cloud services free of charge.
We continuously add, free of charge, the missing functionalities most of our subscribers need in PostERP cloud services. We continuously enhance, free of charge, the common features of PostERP cloud services.
We charge you an affordable fee to customize the special features you need.
You might need some special functionalities other PostERP cloud services subscribers don't need.
In this case, you may pay us a reasonable fee to customize your PostERP cloud instance.
You have your own experts to customize your PostERP cloud instance.
You don't have to pay us in this case.
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