
The PostERP Framework

Posted: 2020-01-01 Edited: 2024-10-11

The PostERP framework

ERP software quality determines the success or failure of an organization's digital transformation

  1. The core quality of ERP software cannot be significantly improved in the process of implementing ERP projects.
  2. The number of consultants can increase at any time. The consultants can be replaced with experts with higher academic qualifications and more experience at any time.
  3. The management strategies, quality assurance and supervision measures, communication skills and frequency, and user training hours and quality used in ERP implementation process can all be added, adjusted, improved, or even repeated at any time.

A large number of cases prove that once the core quality of ERP software is poor, the improvement and adjustment measures 2. and 3. will be completely ineffective. Those ERP projects that use inferior ERP software have only three outcomes:

  1. It ended in direct failure and the software was discarded.
  2. Organizations reluctantly use 1 or 2 modules such as accounting and sales, but stakeholders still declare "success" to the outside world.
  3. Organizations continue to add personnel and hardware tyring to keep their projects afloat.

ERP quality will ultimately be reflected on the profit and loss statements of its corporate clients. ERP quality has a profound impact on its users' operating costs, growth momentum, corporate image, R&D and customer service, and the morale of personnel in various departments such as public relations.

Characteristics of PostERP

  1. Universal
  2. ERP application system development and operation framework
  3. High flexibility
  4. Simple, lightweight and low system development threshold
  5. Database driven
  6. Uses PostgreSQL
  7. Three-tier computing architecture
  8. High-speed backend software
  9. Client software is lightweight
  10. Easy to operate
  11. Internationalization
  12. Capable of reporting
  13. Elegant accounting module
  14. File attachments
  15. Provides simple and efficient API
  16. With security protection mechanism
  17. Provides both cloud ERP services and buyout ERP products

1. Universal

universal purpose ERP

IT personnel develop ERP application systems for unlimited industries on the PostERP framework

  1. The PostERP framework is suitable for use by enterprises in various industries, including governments, schools, non-profit institutions, and countless other industries.
  2. PostERP is suitable for enterprises of all sizes, from one-person companies to multinational groups.

1. Other programmed software packages can only be used in specific industries:

Once a set of package software that is only suitable for specific industries is forced onto corporate users in different industries, its scope of use may be reduced to accounting modules by the user companies, or even be turned into data storage center.

2. Other brands of ERP can only be applied to certain scale enterprises:

The "Large Edition" ERP is suitable for large enterprises.
Because it is too complex, it cannot be used by small businesses and one-person companies.
The "Small Edition" ERP is suitable for small businesses and one-person companies.
Because an ERP is too vanilla and rigid, if it is used by large enterprises, it will lack too many functions and does not allow expansion.

2. ERP application system development and operation framework

There are many strategies for developing ERP application systems.

1. The shotgun strategy of other ERP brands

This strategy is also called the panacea or snakeoil strategy. Its ultimate use is technicians doing their best to pre-make programs or modules one by one on the basis of experience or guessing all the software functions that different companies may need, waiting for corporate customers to select or bundle them all for sale.

The ERP pre-fabricated according to this strategy are bulky, complex and difficult to use:

These software have the following flaws:

2. The program generator strategy that has long since disappeared

The concept of "program generator" already appeared during the M$ DOS era. At the end of 2023, some people began to advocate using artificial intelligence (AI) to generate software.

What commercial software is generated using program generators?

Suppose we now need a personnel salary module as shown below. Is there a program generator or AI robot that can automatically design it that handles the following situations?

3. The building block strategy with a loud slogan that has now disappeared

"CORBA appeared a long time ago. I don’t know when terms such as "SOA" and "micro service" appeared to compete with it. I have never heard of anyone using this kind of thing to make a usable ERP.

4. PostERP framework strategy

This article from now on refers specifically to this PostERP application system development and operation framework.

3. High elasticity

agile ERP

Highly flexible ERP framework

The prerequisite for ERP to be universal is high flexibility. Those pre-made or even hard-coded software packages, no matter how many modules, how many switches, how many industrial samples, how many best configuration solutions, or millions of pre-made programs, they all belong to the shotgun ilk. These inflexible, complex, difficult to understand, difficult to use, and rigid systems cannot be used in "special" enterprises and government departments.

A concept must be clarified here. "Special" is actually a misnomer. Just because an ERP is not applicable to non-manufacturing industries, we should not refer to other industries as "special".

How should we structure ERP to comply with the principle of high flexibility?

"You want high flexibility? Programming languages have the highest flexibility! Just sell COBOL's sister ABAP, 4GL, Java, Python, C, PHP, ASP languages, and even assembly languages to customers, and ask their MIS personnel to develop their business application software in these computer languages!"

Although programming languages have the highest flexibility, this strategy is not advisable because it has a major disadvantage - lowest productivity.

In order to achieve both high flexibility and high productivity, MIS personnel should use < span class="productname">PostERP, the ERP application system development and operation framework.

4. Simple, lightweight and low system development threshold

PostERP is simple

Simplicity and lightness equal high quality

ERP application systems should strive to be simple rather than complex, lightweight rather than bulky.

Only simple ERP will have high flexibility .

This kind of ERP application system is easy to use.
Users are willing to accept an ERP application system they can quickly be familiar with. Otherwise, they tend to resist the ERP software that is complex, difficult to use, and prone to misoperation.
This kind of ERP application system saves enterprise customers' hardware investment.
It can run at high speed on general-standard hardware and respond to users instantly. Otherwise, a complex piece of software is like a dinosaur: it crawls slowly on top of high-end hardware.
This kind of ERP application system reduces the IT labor cost and time for enterprise customers.
Because the ERP is easy to maintain, modify, expand, and run in multiple environments, IT staff, system integrators, and consultants are highly productive. Otherwise, a complex software does not obey the instructions of MIS personnel, refuses to be tamed and is unable to adjust, and the MIS staff hardly understand it, which leads to low morale among all participants and repeated delays in project progress.
The entire PostERP system consists of only a few components. It is not the kind of complex software that is stacked on top of each other and is intricately connected. It is not the kind of system whose source code is millions of lines and the installation file is hundreds of MB that organizational IT personnel and the software vendor's own engineers cannot fully understand it in their lifetime.
The source code of the PostERP application system is very small. For example: the size of an uncompressed manufacturing ERP application system is less than 300 KB and can be easily maintained by any information personnel.
PostERP's technical threshold for developing application systems is very low.
Anyone with PostgreSQL technology and basic accounting knowledge can develop ERP application systems on the PostERP framework. Because the PostERP framework has Low Code Framework characteristics, so information personnel can easily extend and maintain ERP application systems, and Citizen Developer becomes possible. Enterprises can consider inviting accountants and actuarial staffs to develop ad hoc ERP applications for themselves.

5. Database driven

IT staff can complete the design of the following three CRUD screens through simple definitions on the PostERP framework without writing any programs. Therefore, the PostERP framework is "database-driven".

Take the company’s sales business as an example. Its main businesses include:

  1. Sales Order
  2. Shipping
  3. Sales returns

"Database driven" is not a new buzzword. Database-driven PostERP framework empowers IT staff with maximum productivity, allowing technical staff to work on it at lightning speed developing various ERP application systems and completed ERP projects in a short period of time.

6. Using PostgreSQL


PostERP uses PostgreSQL

PostERP uses PostgreSQL database management system (Data Base Management System, DBMS).

7. Three-layer computing architecture

Overall, ERP computing architecture can be divided into the following three types.

PostERP adopts three-tier computing architecture.

8. High-speed back-end software

PostERP runs lightening fast

An ERP with a simple structure can run at high speed

As the number of customers increases and the complexity of business logic increases, the long response time of ERP server software is easily criticized. Slow-running ERP server software wastes valuable time of its users and reduces their work efficiency.

Normal people with some sense and self-respect will not blindly worship something they don’t understand. However, there is widespread superstition in the information industry that "the larger, more complex and difficult to understand the software, the more powerful it is." Masters try their best to instill the slave mentality of the general public: "The highest quality software is the one that even mediocre people can't fully understand in their lifetime." kind".

Common sense 101: The more complex and huge the ERP server software is, the slower it runs, the more hidden errors it has, and the more hardware resources it consumes. It is a poorly designed, outdated and inferior ERP architecture.

Because ERP server software runs slowly, some ERP vendors instead require their customers to purchase high-end hosts for their server software to run on. This arrangement is wrong here: The operating speed bottleneck of the overall ERP system is software rather than hardware, so ERPenterprise users invest money in hardware, which actually affects the overall operating performance of the system. The improvement was not significant.

It is a fact that all sober-minded people in the information industry understand: There are software vendors who exploit software flaws to drive up the prices of their products and steal the cash from their corporate customers.

Why are some ERPs so slow? Because they handle business logic in server software, they have irredeemable inherent flaws:

This kind of ERP works like this:

It is in vain to complicate simple problems and then invent a bunch of magical mechanisms that are not available, and the ultimate benefit is likely to be negative.

Lightweight and simple equals good. The most efficient strategy for designing high-speed ERP server software is

PostERP runs at lightning speed like no other:

  1. MRP, accounting, salary calculation, etc. are all organized in PostgreSQL functions< /a>Execute.
  2. After receiving the request from the client program, the ERP server software confirms the identity and authority of the requester.
  3. The ERP server software is caching the required search results. If it is found, it will directly respond to the result to the client software without saying anything.
  4. If the ERP server software does not find the answer in the cache, it forwards the request to the DBMS. After receiving the answer from the DBMS, the ERP server software immediately replies to the client program.

PostERP server software plays such a simple role, no more, no less:

9. Customer software is lightweight

light weight PostERP client

The front-end of the PostERP framework is a 1 MB client software running in a browser

ERP, where the client installation software often requires four CDs, is already outdated.

Customer software for PostERP framework:

10. Easy to operate

PostERP's client software is easy to operate, reduces training work, shortens the system launch period, improves users' work efficiency, and reduces users' rejection of PostERP.

Reduce the number of CRUD screens and menus.
Easy to use. Users can complete their daily work by operating PostERP on a few screens. Avoid forcing users to open multiple CRUD screens, switch back and forth, compare, search for data between screens, and operate CRUD.
The manual has few pages.
Users can actually operate the software in just a few minutes.
Provides extensive online help in a variety of languages.
Screen description, field description, report purpose description, report parameter description, business logic processor description, business logic processor parameter description. Users no longer have to dig through outdated manuals that have been in disrepair.
Every screen has the same appearance and layout.
It takes time to adapt to the ERP operation screen. We should avoid designing this kind of system: different CRUD screens have randomly arranged fields, and different mechanisms such as buttons and pop-up windows.
Easily search for information.
For example: Users can search records for each field on the CRUD screen.
All records displayed on the screen are allowed to be downloaded by users.
Provide menus to users.
Avoid forcing users to recite the program code ("transaction").

11. Internationalization

localized ERP

PostERP is suitable for multinational enterprises

PostERP supports multi-language, multi-time zone:

12. PostERP has reporting capabilities

PostERP has complete reporting capabilities
It allows IT personnel to design various reports to meet the diverse and complex needs of users.
PostERP provides IT staff with unrivaled report production productivity
IT personnel create various complex reports required by users on PostERP. Each report is produced in minutes, not days.
PostERP integrats reporting functionalities
After the IT staff completes designing a report, the user immediately selects the report from the menu and starts to print it. IT staff does not need to distribute reports to each user. PostERP is different from this kind of ERP: the reporting function is a plug-in component separated from ERP.
IT personnel do not need to use third-party tools to design reports and end users produce reports. PostERP reports require zero deployment - After IT staff designs a report, end users on the other side of the world immediately select the report from the menu and print it. IT staff does not have to distribute report templates to users. PostERP's reporting functions are self-sufficient and do not require independent third-party reporting tools.
crosstab report

crosstab report

13. Elegant accounting module

14. Attached file mechanism

To move closer to the paperless goal, PostERP provides a mechanism for users to upload files, attach them to the data record, and allow for future downloading. For example:

15. Provide simple and efficient API

  1. IT staff do not need to write programs, PostERP automatically provides RESTful API for peripheral devices such as IoT, WMS and MES to call and directly perform CRUD operations on the target database table simply, efficiently and safely.
  2. Peripheral systems can call PostgreSQL's libpq to exchange data with PostERP at high speed.

16. With security protection mechanism

secured PostERP

PostERP has high security

17. PostERP provides both cloud ERP leasing services and locally deployed ERP products.

PostERP runs as SaaS and PaaS

PostERP has a cloud ERP services for you to rent; and ERP software products for large organizations to purchase and deploy in your own computer room.

❮ All PostERP Editions Include Accounting Module The True Cause of Failures of ERP Projects ❯