In addition to PostERP's General Features, PostERP has the following features specific to manufacturing industries.
PostERP possesses the following subtle but ease-to-use costing capabilities.
View Inventory Actual Costs Anytime
PostERP posts to accounting journal for all monetary or quantity related transactions.
The unit cost of every item# and serial# in every bin in every warehouse is calculated instantly after any one of the aforementioned transactions is made.
Accounting journal instantly reflects the present real unit cost of every item# and serial# in every bin in every warehouse.
PostERP provides you any time the present cost of every item located in every place. You don't have to wait until "monthly cost calculation run"!
PostERP helps you financial personnel hand out their periodical financial statements in time by taking up most costing tasks. PostERP not only processes costs of items but also
PostERP supports the following costing methods.