
The Zero-Failure ERP Implementation Strategy

Posted: 2020-02-06 Edited: 2023-03-03

Top-notch organizations adopt this strategy.

Having identified the real causes of failed ERP projects and the High-Risk ERP Implementation Strategy, you are one step away from zero-failure ERP implementation explained below.

Zero-Failure ERP Software Selection Methodology

Follow these ERP software selection steps at the very beginning of the project to ensure the success of your ERP project:

  1. Select the ERP software that meets the most traits described in article Top-Notch ERP.
  2. All IT personnel and end-user representatives in your organization work together to substantially evaluate candidate ERP software.
Your team adopting this selection methodology will definitely choose the top-notch ERP, which all team members agree on. You accordingly turn any resistance that might otherwise arise from colleagues in other units to wholeheartedly support. This healthy mindset of all stakeholders is the huge success factor of your ERP project.

The Zero-Failure ERP Implementation Strategy

This implementation strategy overturns outdated high-risk strategy and adopts the zero-failure strategy:

Above all, trust your own colleagues, who have been working within your enterprise for years, not those who parachute down into your organization as alien "experts". Accept the fact that your own people possess more knowledge and experiences of your own organization than any outsiders. Admit your employees understand your organization's culture and business process more deeply than all outside experts. Assign all ERP project tasks to your IT personnel and perhaps also to end user representatives. Grant the team the full control over your project. Hold your people accountable for the execution and outcome.

Being nominated as the exclusive team responsible for ERP project planning and execution, your IT personnel will feel that they are respected because they will not be dictated by outsiders to do or not to do this or that. Your genuine experts will not be treated as clerks. Their expertise, value, and past contributions are recognized. They therefore will stay and endeavor to finish this ERP project.

Zero-failure ERP implementation consists of these two major tasks:

The execution steps of above tasks follow.

  1. The enterprise hires one consultant to provide short term on site training to IT personnel and potential end user representatives.

    The training goal is to enable the enterprise IT personnel to independently develop, on the flexible ERP framework, the information applications that perfectly meets the requirements of their business. In other words, the enterprise IT personnel tailors the information software application system that is fully in line with enterprise process.

    Why enterprise hires only one consultant, not a team comprising hundreds of consultants? The answer is: One consultant is enough.

    Why is the contract term short? Exactly how short is it? The answer is: One-week will be enough for most large organizations with savvy IT staffs.

    During the training, your IT staffs simultaneously evaluate the top-notch ERP framework, decide whether or not to continue the ERP project, and decide whether or not to purchase the ERP framework. If IT personnel decide to abort, immediately cancel the project.

  2. The enterprise IT personnel customize applications.

    At this stage, your IT personnel add and modify the information system on the top-notch ERP framework to meets orgnizational requirements. At the same time, end-user representatives extensively, comprehensively, and thoroughly try out the information system. End-user representatives from all business units along with IT personnel thoroughly evaluate the top-notch ERP framework, decide whether or not to continue the ERP project, and decide whether or not to purchase the ERP framework. If IT personnel or end user representatives decide to abort, the project immediately ends.

  3. Enterprise IT personnel complete the customization of application system.

    After entering this stage, enterprise IT personnel has confirmed the quality of top-notch ERP framework and have decided to continue the project. The enterprise autonomously decides the amount of human resources to invest in the new application system development, and controls the speed of system development.

    IT personnel complete the development of new application system at this stage, and thoroughly test the new application system with end user representatives.

  4. Enterprise IT personnel launch new application system.

    After entering this stage, IT personnel and end user representatives have repeatedly tested the new system and have full confidence of it. The enterprise arranges the time to launch the new system by itself and schedules the time to decommission the old system. IT personnel prepare to migrate database from legacy system to the new one.

  5. Enterprise purchase top-notch ERP framework.

    After bringing the new system live, the enterprise can buy this top-notch ERP framework with full confidence. The project is completed.

Risk Analysis Of Zero-Failure ERP Implementation Strategy

The zero-failure ERP implementation strategy eliminates all the following risks that may otherwise occur with outdated high-risk implementation strategy.


Zero-failure ERP software selection methodology is the first step to the successful implementation of zero-failure ERP implementation strategy: Zero failure ERP implementation strategy has the following noble spirit and unparalleled advantages:
Stakeholders place the interests of enterprises, schools or government agencies first.
They place the interests of individuals and external organizations last.
Enterprises have full control over ERP projects.
Enterprises are not under the control of outside organizations and their wealth is not plundered.
Prevent the abuse of power from happening.
Enterprises adopt collective participation policy and scientifically select ERP software.
Payment is made only after implementation successfully completes.
Enterprises can retreat any time without significant loss.

Zero-failure ERP implementation strategy does not have any risk of failure.

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